God is on the move! Kingdom Encounters International has seen almost 1 MILLION documented decisions for Jesus in some of the most unreached areas on the Earth.
intercede for the lost

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V i s i o n
Kingdom Encounters International (KEI) began its Evangelistic work in 2017. We exist to preach the Gospel, and pray for the demonstration of the kingdom of heaven that comes with it. As people encounter the kingdom of God, we have witnessed incredible miracles and healings and have seen countless lives changed by the power of the Gospel from gas stations, restaurants, and shopping centers to the mission fields of the earth.

Catapulting into the depths of the spirit through the power of your words!
In this faith-filled book, Evangelist Caleb Wampler discusses paramount truths about the power your words have on your life and those around you. Through the scriptures, we find ample evidence that the power of life and death is in the tongue! The heart of God is to see His body rise as one, unified, church filled with the love and compassion of Jesus. Through biblical insight, personal stories, and prophetic visions, the goal is to challenge followers of Christ to use their words to influence the Kingdom of Heaven. Open your mind and heart through these teachings to understand the power of repentance and living a life building up your fellow neighbor. You have the power to change the world through the words God has put in your mouth!
In this book you will explore:
How to practically pay attention to your words and how they arouse heaven or hell.
What the scriptures say about the unified church and why we must stop tearing one another a part.
Biblical stories from the Old and New Testament to stir your faith for more of the Lord.
Personal stories that have revolutionized Caleb’s walk with the Lord and a living a life of faith.
take god at his word
See More Videos of what Jesus is Doing through KEI @ our YouTube Channel
learn the history
Caleb’s life has been marked by several supernatural encounters that began in his childhood, and continue to this present day. As these encounters have increased, there has been a grace to release impartation of a Kingdom lifestyle into those that are ministered to. The Wampler’s have echoed the prayer of Jesus, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and are carriers of His Kingdom into the nations of the world.
Caleb has witnessed incredible miracles and healings and has seen countless lives changed by the power of the Gospel from gas stations, restaurants, and shopping centers to the mission fields of the earth.